
Press Releases & Updates

StudentsNS Welcomes New Executive Director

StudentsNS welcomes Nick Head-Petersen as its 8th Executive Director. Nick graduated from St. Francis Xavier University, in 2013, with a Bachelor of Science in biology. During his time at StFX, Nick served as Students’ Union President in 2012-2013 and sat on the Board of Directors of StudentsNS. After completing his undergraduate degree, Nick attended the University of Victoria where he completed a Masters of Public Health, with a focus in Indigenous Health.

It was his continuing interest in advocacy, public policy, and post-secondary education that led Nick back to StudentsNS. “It is really a homecoming for me. StudentsNS is the group representing the interests of students throughout the province, and I look forward to my new role with the organization,” said Head-Petersen.

“We were looking for someone who not only understands public policy, but someone who has a strong record of fighting for student interests and achieving results on their behalf,” said Fallis Thompson, Chair of the Board of StudentsNS. “We were fortunate to find Nick, who has a long history as a talented and dedicated student leader.”

“We have a lot of work to do to ensure that post-secondary education is a priority in this province moving forward,” Head-Petersen said. The Board will set their priorities for the year at the StudentsNS Annual General Meeting on August 14-15 in Antigonish.

Nick has identified his first priority as finding a more focused approach to post-secondary advocacy through member-driven policy development, effective campaigns, and building on existing working relationships.

Head-Petersen concluded, “StudentsNS will continue to work on behalf of its members to create an affordable, accessible, quality post-secondary system in our province that ensures a space for the student voice in its development.”


Students Nova Scotia is a not-for-profit and non-partisan advocacy and research group that represents post-secondary students from across Nova Scotia. Our members include Acadia, Cape Breton, Saint Mary’s, and St. Francis Xavier Universities, the Kingstec and Annapolis Valley Campuses of the Nova Scotia Community College, and the Atlantic School of Theology.


For more information, please contact:

Nick Head-Petersen, StudentsNS Executive Director

Phone: 249 878 0400


Kate Elliot