About StudentsNS
Students Nova Scotia is a not-for-profit and non-partisan advocacy group that represents Nova Scotia post-secondary students. Our members study at Acadia, Cape Breton, Saint Mary’s, and St. Francis Xavier Universities.
Contact Us
Saint Mary’s University
Student Centre, 5th Floor
923 Robie St.
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Monday - Friday
9 AM - 5 PM
(902) 476-2367
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This weekend, our incoming & outgoing Boards are attending our annual Transitions Conference hosted @TheUOfficial!… https://t.co/kNkgvdI83O
Thanks to the @TVeinotteShow for speaking with us to break down what last week's provincial budget means for studen… https://t.co/upJ5BACwan
RT @TVeinotteShow: Today we’re chatting about the provincial budget, better water management and soaring credit card debt. Listen Live… https://t.co/hqr3zlBmcE