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RELEASE: StudentsNS Commends One-Time Student Grant Amid Affordability Crisis

StudentsNS Commends One-Time Student Grant Amid Affordability Crisis 

November 29, 2022 | For Immediate Release

Halifax, NS - Today, the Government of Nova Scotia announced a one-time cost-of-living grant for over 11,000 college and university students across Nova Scotia. This non-repayable grant will provide $550 to each Nova Scotia Student Assistance borrower, acknowledging the financial pressures on students amid a worsening housing crisis.  StudentsNS highlighted the need for the creation of a one-time grant during our Advocacy Week this month, and are pleased to see the investment in students announced today. 

“As affordability pressures continue to grow, students are increasingly struggling to balance the rising costs of education, housing, groceries and transportation,” says Kyle Cook, StudentsNS Chair. “This investment in students comes at a critical time, helping over 11,000 borrowers in financial need focus on their studies instead of wondering how they will make their next rental payment or keep the lights on this winter term.”

Indeed, the affordability pressures upon those accessing postsecondary education have become even more pronounced over the course of 2022, in the face of historic inflation and rising costs across the board. StudentsNS’ More than Tuition campaign in collaboration with the UPEISU and the New Brunswick Student Alliance shone a spotlight on the multitude of rising costs facing students across the Maritimes.  

“The biggest thing we heard from students is that there is a high level of “give up to get” associated with accessing postsecondary in Nova Scotia,” says Ben Fairhurst, Vice Chair of StudentsNS. “Whether it be opting not to purchase mandatory textbooks, skipping meals, or taking on additional jobs, the rising costs associated with education in Nova Scotia are leading many students to make difficult decisions about whether they can afford to attend postsecondary in the first place.” 

 A 2021 report by the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations found that nearly ⅔ of students across the country reported the pandemic had made affording postsecondary education more difficult, and 65% worried about their ability to pay living expenses. One year later, these concerns continue to grow, and are even more pressing in Nova Scotia, where historic vacancy rates and rising housing costs have led many to select accommodations outside their price range or at a distance from campus (elevating travel costs). 

“As the discrepancy between student costs and available funding becomes more and more pronounced it is harder and harder for students to access, let alone justify, the investment in post-secondary education,” says Lydia Houck, Executive Director of Students Nova Scotia. "This investment in upfront, needs-based aid is a welcome measure for students in the current academic year, and we look forward to continuing conversations about sustainable, long-term investments in Financial Assistance to ensure that postsecondary education continues to be accessible to all those seeking it.”

The one-time grant will automatically be deposited into eligible students’ bank accounts in January.

Students Nova Scotia is the province’s largest student advocacy organization, representing over 20,000 postsecondary students across the province. StudentsNS has advocated for the creation of a one-time grant for student borrowers in the current academic year and are pleased to see today’s announcement. 

For more information, contact:

Lydia Houck, StudentsNS Executive Director  | (902) 476-2367

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