
What We Do

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About StudentsNS

Students Nova Scotia is a not-for-profit and non-partisan advocacy group that represents Nova Scotia post-secondary students. Our members study at Acadia, Cape Breton, Saint Mary’s, and St. Francis Xavier Universities.

What We Do

StudentsNS is the largest student advocacy organization is Nova Scotia, representing a collective 20,000 students across the province. We strive to make post-secondary affordable, accessible, and of the highest quality for all students, while ensuring due consultation and the role of student voice is central to decision making on and off campus.

Our Mission

It is the mission of Students Nova Scotia to represent the collective interests and priorities of post-secondary students in Nova Scotia. In pursuit of this Mission, StudentsNS will:

  • Conduct research to identify issues affecting the accessibility, affordability, accountability and quality of post-secondary education in Nova Scotia;

  • Develop credible and constructive policy to address these challenges;

  • Communicate research and policy to both educate and affect the opinions of stakeholders, Nova Scotians and government;

  • Lobby the government to affect their post-secondary education policy;

  • Organize campaigns to effectively articulate the needs and interests of our members; and

  • Build partnerships to accomplish our vision.

Our Values


Every qualified Nova Scotia resident who wishes to pursue postsecondary education should be able to do so, irrespective of their financial situation, socioeconomic or ethnic background, physical, psychological or mental disability, age, sexual orientation, geographic location, or any other factor exogenous to qualification.


The cost of post-secondary education in Nova Scotia should not cause undue hardship upon any student, restrict their ability to pursue the career path they choose, or make them financially unable to live in the community that they choose.


Policies, programs, and services in post-secondary education should meet student expectations to help prepare them for lifelong success, including in their citizenship, careers, and personal wellbeing.

Role of Student Voice

Nova Scotia students must be empowered to actively participate in setting their post-secondary system’s direction via engagement through their representative student bodies, within the post-secondary institutions themselves, and through the broader democratic process.


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